About Veronica

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veronica lee headshot

Integrative Health Practitioner, Level 2

As an integrative health practitioner, I teach people how to transform and heal their bodies and health naturally. Using targeted at-home functional medicine lab tests as well as your complete health history, I create personalized wellness protocols that address your unique root cause imbalances.

veronica lee in philippines on a boat at sea

I’ve struggled with health

In 2019, I was burnt out and unaware of how my health issues were connected. What started with a Hashimoto’s diagnosis was the beginning of health issues that broadened to PCOS and Sjogren’s. I developed symptoms of anxiety, brain fog, low energy, poor circulation, dry eyes, and painful and irregular cycles and was without answers about how to heal these issues.

I thought I had been eating pretty clean (organic, gluten free, and taking many vitamins for years) and exercising, but I was not addressing the root cause imbalances unique to my body. When these other symptoms presented, I decided to take control of my health and life and was fortunate to come across the IHP program as an opportunity to learn how to heal myself.

veronica lee backpacking on snow covered Idyllwild
veronica lee blue lagoon iceland

Healing myself and helping others

Through my studies, I learned how blood sugar dysregulation, increased intestinal permeability, gut dysbiosis, heavy metals, parasites, and stress contributed to my symptoms and went to work improving my own health. Over the years, I have continued to learn, completing the Applied Quantum Biology Certification, and studying from Dr. Stephen Cabral, Dr. Joseph Arena, Kelly Brogan, Sayer Ji, Dr. William Lerner, Dr. Datis Kharazzian, Dr. Tyna Moore, Isabella Wentz, and many others in the natural health space.

Most importantly, I have learned that it is not enough to work on only diet or only exercise—lasting wellness requires a holistic approach that includes diet, environment, lifestyle, and mindset change. Today, I am in better health physically, emotionally, and spiritually than I have ever been and I am passionate about helping others achieve the same.

Natural health tenets

First, Do No Harm

The Hippocratic Oath encompasses the commitment “to refrain from inflicting harm.” We facilitate the body’s innate healing systems by employing techniques and approaches that are only aimed at gently returning the body to state of abundant health.

Health Coach as Educator

The initial definition of the term “doctor” was that of a teacher. And as a Health Coach I instruct and enable my wellness clients to improve their overall health by teaching them the lifestyle practice such as diet, exercise, stress reduction, sleep, supplementation, and many more that enable them to heal.

Determine the Underlying Root Cause

Every dis-ease of the body or mind has an underlying root cause. Once found, it can be rebalanced so that the body can then begin to repair, rebalance, and rejuvenate on its way back to health and vitality.

Address the Entire Person

Your story matters. I will take the time to listen to what you are struggling with as well as help you with any symptoms you may be feeling. We will get to the bottom of what the root causes are and address those so you can finally begin to heal.

The Restorative Power of Nature

Our natural state is one of health, and when in good health, we exist in harmony with nature’s processes. My job as a practitioner is to provide your body with the nutrient and protocols it needs to begin to heal itself.


After we have helped you with the healing process, or ideally before you even get imbalanced, we want to ensure your body does not have any deficiencies or toxicities so that you can enjoy the abundant health, vitality, and happiness you deserve.

Take your health into your own hands